Outrageous & proud!


Behind the Rainbow

This  time last year Rage Gear Studios was in a fantastic color whirl. The interwebs had decided our Xolor Kids were a hit! Worthy of trending along side standard chart toppers, like the infamous Kardashians. We were elated, surprised and besides ourselves, by such a fantastic reception.

Their popularity even lead to more kids being added to the roster, via commissioned requests. Folks wanted to see characters who had not made the initial group; which were all based on colors determined by the original Color kids. We had to get creative with the new color shades. Gold and Silver kids, Auric Angel and Mercury Max, were the first additions. Fenix Flame was later included to commemorate Flame Con; the event the Xolor kids were created for in the first place.

We sold prints of the finished art and asked patrons to send us photos of themselves with their purchases. Although we received many awesome and heartwarming images, there was one exchange in particular that hit on multiple heart strings.
Stephen, an awesome new Dad, let us know that he had framed all the characters and decorated his baby girl, Mia's bedroom with them. We fell in love with this family immediately. Baby Mia had become our muse. We needed to make more kids that reflected her family for her walls.

This inspired the creation of Xolor Kids 2.0!

The X-Men are a richly diverse group. It was easy to pull from their banks for great personalities that would enhance  our "Xolorverse".

Bishop, Rictor, Shatterstar, M, Dr. Cecilia Reyes, Dani Moonstar, Oya, Colossus and Frenzy were chosen. Assigning them colors was the hard part, but it's a challenge we really enjoy.
Not only were colors, designs and names beginning attributed, but thanks to the new USA regime, the new Xolor Kids will be taking on causes too. They’ll be helping to fundraise for the groups, like the ACLU, who stand up and fight against unjust executive orders and the attacks we now face on our civil rights.

The latest kid, Emma Neve, is a very special case.
An expecting couple purchased the kids they felt best represented their new family. Mean Mean Tangerine and Fenix Flame for Dad and Mom. Their twin babies were actually to be named, Stormy and Emma. Stormy we had, but Emma was commissioned to complete the set. Sadly, Stormy and Emma were only with us for brief moments. Their devoted parents have chosen to celebrate the girl's love filled lives with artistic remembrances. Xolor Kids, Emma Neve and Stormy included among them. Thank you Justin and Christy, for the privilege and honor of being a part of their tribute.

Cannot be any more grateful to all of you for making this series so much more meaningful than we could have imagined. Thank you for embracing them and us.

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